In this section...

Our Local Advisory Committee

The Academy has a Local Advisory Committee who represent the local community that the school serves, from across education, the community, staff and parents/carers.

All Key documents for the Local Advisory Committee can be found here

If you would like to discuss any matters relating to school governance please contact us on the email address below and we will contact you to discuss further:

If you are interested in becoming a Local Advisory Committee member you can register your interest by completing the form at the bottom of this page.

The role of a Local Advisory Committee Member involves working collectively to enable the children and young people who attend Gilbert Ward Academy to thrive and be well prepared for the next stage in their lives.

Local Advisory Committee Members

  • Support the Trust in pursuit of its vision and overall aims
  • Promote high standards ensuring that pupils attend a successful Academy
  • Hold the Academy Lead to account for academic performance, quality of care and provision
  • Have strategic oversight of the day to day running of the academy including safety and well-being
  • Meet as a Local Advisory Committee (LAC) 4 to 6 times a year

Important to Note:

The information you provide below (Name and Email Address) will be stored securely by Prosper Learning Trust (PLT) and will only be used to provide information about a specific post, if a suitable vacancy arises. Prosper Learning Trust will not use this data for any other purpose.

Our Local Advisory Committee Members:

Lynn King

Type of Local Advisory Committee Member: Chair of Local Advisory Committee

Barry Reed

Type of Local Advisory Committee Member: Headteacher

Helen Woodley

Type of Local Advisory Committee Member:

Board Appointed Local Advisory Committee Member

Felicity Walton

Type of Local Advisory Committee Member:

Board Appointed Local Advisory Committee Member

Nicola Swan

Type of Local Advisory Committee Member:

Co-opted Local Advisory Committee Member

Sarah Dick

Type of Local Advisory Committee Member:

Parent Local Advisory Committee Member

Derek Weelands

Type of Local Advisory Committee Member: Staff Local Advisory Committee Member

Register your interest in becoming a Local Advisory Committee Member