Gilbert ward 011
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Mission, Vision and Values

The mission, vision, values and culture of Gilbert Ward Academy will be fundamentally similar to those of Prosper Learning Trust.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a high-quality, inclusive and personalised education for pupils with SEMH needs that meets their individual needs and aspirations. We do this by creating a safe, supportive and stimulating learning environment where everyone is valued, respected and empowered to achieve their full potential. 


Our Vision

Our vision is to be a leading special school that makes a positive difference in the lives of pupils and their families.  

We aspire to be a school where: 

  • Pupils are self-aware, understanding, responsible and empathetic in their interactions with themselves and others

  • Pupils are motivated and inspired to learn and achieve their best

  • Pupils are prepared and equipped for their future education, employment and life

  • Everyone does the right thing because it’s the right thing to do

Our Values

At our school, we are committed to helping every pupil achieve their full potential, regardless of the challenges they may face. We understand that many of our pupils have social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs that require additional support and guidance. That's why we have designed our values around what research and evidence have identified as essential for social and emotional learning and development. These competencies include self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. 

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